Quality Resource Blog

Tools for Creating Work-Life Balance at Home
The world has been full of twists and turns lately. We’re experiencing things that nobody ever has before. Social distancing has resulted in the majority of the workforce working from home. While working remotely offers plenty of benefits, ranging from scheduling flexibility to wearing sweatpants every day, it also presents challenges. Did you know that 4.3 million employees in the US work ...
Promo Tools Can Foster Community and Culture in a Virtual World
We've embarked on a national month-long quarantine, due to the rapid spread of COVID-19. Our lives are moving further into the digital realm. A completely digital world is quickly becoming more of a ...
Have You Been Active Lately?
When you’re stuck at home, it becomes tempting to relax and let yourself go a bit. But now more than ever, we need to make sure we stay active. According to Healthline.com, regular exercise can:
Protecting Your Privacy with Webcam Covers
Last Wednesday we joked about not being an "April Fool" because you failed to use your webcam cover. But it's not just Zoom fails that you need to worry about. With people spending increased amounts ...
Best Practices for Virtual Meetings
Shifting to home offices is the new normal, and if you are new to working from home it can be difficult figuring out how to stay connected in a different environment. When you dial-in to virtual ...
14 Ways to Increase Productivity while Working from Home
As the American workforce changes to working from home, this new normal may take some getting used to. In the past, remote employees often listed benefits like no commute, more family time, less ...
How to Navigate Event Cancellations
Due to the coronavirus, events are rescheduling or canceling causing concern about what to do with the branded product purchased for those events. Here are a few ideas you might want to consider if ...
Branded Merchandise Featured in Top Super Bowl Ad
Avocados From Mexico teamed up with Molly Ringwald to create a Home Shopping Network style Super Bowl ad devoted to branded merch. They even went as far as creating an online store! The Avocados From ...
7 Top Branded Merchandise Trends for 2020
The 2010’s have come to a close. It was a momentous decade full of innovation, change, and shifting trends. Now it’s time to set our sights forward. Let’s look at where your attention should be ...
With Valentine's Day coming up next month, a lot of companies are looking at ways they can do BrandGood. Often time, partnering with a nonprofit is the easiest way to give back. If this is something ...