How to Navigate Event Cancellations

Due to the coronavirus, events are rescheduling or canceling causing concern about what to do with the branded product purchased for those events.  Here are a few ideas you might want to consider if your event is impacted. 

Repurpose Event Products

A nonprofit purchased hand sanitizer featuring their logo and contact info for an event they had to cancel.  With hand sanitizer in such demand, they donated it to high-risk groups in the community including senior citizen centers, nursing homes, and childcare facilities. It created positive publicity around their organization they were able to share on social media, too. The group hopes it's something people will remember later when they reach out for funding support.

Use Promo Products to Promote the Next Event

Coronavirus disruption isn’t going to last forever. Various trade shows, conferences, and events will occur again once the health scare subsides. Event organizers can remind clients of that with targeted outreach involving promotional products.

A university event was canceled. Some of the branded collateral, including laptop stickers, had already shipped. The university sent a sticker and personalized note to registrants saying they were excited to see them at the next event scheduled for the fall. 

Another client sent their branded sunglasses with a message built around the theme of “seeing” the recipient at the next event, with information about that upcoming occasion included.

Redirect Your Event Spend

If your event is canceled before you've invested consider redirecting the budget. Instead of paying for booth space or plane tickets consider a personalized direct mail campaign.  Personalize the product, the strategic messaging, and the box they are shipped in for the biggest impact.  Variable data is key to creating an impactful campaign.

Touch on The Commonality of COVID-19 Disruption in Direct Mail

Knowing what to send in direct mail efforts can be tricky. It varies depending on the client and their intended audience. Still, one universal issue at the moment is coronavirus disruption. And, there’s potential to tap into that theme. Consider sending would-be-attendees a box of tissues with messaging themed around the idea that it “blows” that the event was canceled. Health experts advise that when one has to sneeze, to do so into a tissue, which should then be thrown out. That can help check the spread of the virus.

More Inspiration

Looking for additional inspiration or personalized advice for your event, give us a call at 800.999.3468. 

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